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Protecting Your Passion: Why Self-Employed Grooms Need Proper Insurance

Riders falls off a horse

Thinking ahead about medical insurance is vital for those that are self-employed, freelance grooms. Often medical bills and loss of income fall on your shoulders when you can’t perform your job due to an unpredictable accident or sickness–which comes with life with horses. This is where Instagrooms comes in to help.

As a self-employed groom in the equestrian world, your dedication to caring for horses is unmatched. However, there’s a critical aspect of your career that often goes overlooked: insurance coverage. Unlike traditional employees with benefits like worker’s compensation or employment insurance (EI), self-employed freelance grooms face unique challenges without proper accident, sickness, and extended medical insurance.

How long can you sustain yourself without a steady income?

As a self-employed individual, the financial burden of medical expenses and lost income falls solely on your shoulders when you can’t show up to work. Without insurance to provide a safety net, how will you manage your bills if you’re unable to work? How long can you sustain yourself without a steady income?

These questions may seem daunting, but they highlight the harsh reality faced by many self-employed grooms in our industry. The unpredictability of accidents or illnesses can have severe financial repercussions, affecting not just your ability to work but also your overall well-being.

See our top reasons to get coverage:

Why Instagrooms?

This is where Instagrooms steps in to support you. Through our platform, you gain access to comprehensive accident, sickness, and extended medical insurance provided by trusted third-party insurance providers. Instagrooms doesn’t just help you increase your income; we also work diligently to ensure you are protected in case of unforeseen challenges.

Safeguarding Your Financial Stability

Imagine the peace of mind knowing that if an accident occurs, you have the financial support to cover medical expenses and maintain your income during recovery. It’s about more than just protecting your passion for horses – it’s about safeguarding your financial stability and peace of mind.

The Importance of Insurance

So, this is your sign to prioritize your well-being and consider the importance of insurance in your career. Take a moment to reflect on your financial security and the potential risks you face as a self-employed individual. How can you protect yourself and your livelihood? How will Instagrooms help safeguard your future?

It’s time to groom confidently, knowing that Instagrooms has your back – not just in increasing your income but also in ensuring that you are protected every step of the way.


*Available in BC, AB, ON, Canada atm.
*Available in certain US states; inquire

The HorseGrooms team encourages all self-employed grooms to have proper insurance. We trust Instagrooms, their insurances, and other products. If you decide to sign up, please do so via this link. By doing so, you support HorseGrooms in promoting more grooming resources.

Feature photo courtesy of Shelley Paulson Photography.

June 12, 2024


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