The HorseGrooms Team is looking into organizing a second event of the HorseGrooms MeetUp about the arrival of FEI horses for international competitions. For that, we need to now if there’s enough interest. Join the waitlist here to let us know you’re interested. Your response will help us gauge interest and plan a potential repeat event.
Dr. Christopher Elliott
Dr. Elliott of Palm Beach Equine Clinic is the veterinary service manager at Wellington International, a permitted treating veterinarian and FEI vet. Dr. Elliott will share his expertise on the arrival of FEI horses for international competitions like the Winter Equestrian Festival and the Global Dressage Festival.
Presentation Topics
Dr. Elliott’s presentation is catered to grooms and will cover:
- FEI Arrival Exams: What to expect and how to prepare.
- Jog Do’s & Don’ts: Ensuring your horse passes smoothly.
- Coping with Wellington’s Climate: Tips for handling horse arrivals in a challenging environment.
- Holding Box Tips: Know your options.
- Vet Rule Changes: Key updates you need to be aware of.
Don’t miss this chance to learn valuable insights and tips for international competitions—sign up today!
Thank you for your enthusiasm and support!
HorseGrooms is a platform of resources, education, and support for grooms by grooms. This is an online community, hub of resources, and spotlight of industry highlights born out of love for the horse and love for the sport. But our mission goes beyond simply providing resources and creating content.
Our goal is to create a space to keep horsemanship alive; for grooms to support and educate each other; and to help advance the craft of grooming. HorseGrooms is dedicated to ambitious grooms everywhere.