Just as there are no shortcuts to having healthy horses, there is no secret sauce to creating good health in humans. There are guidelines, just like making sure your horse has clean water and quality forage.
This is the roadmap by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. It’s not expensive, but it does take time to be mindful of your choices and develop good habits. Do you make sure the aisle is swept at the end of the day? Of course you do! Do the same with your own health. The most important pillar is nutrition, so be sure to take a look at Kimba’s (Kimberly Maloomian’s) articles on the HorseGrooms’ Guide to Nutrition to get started!
1. Whole Food, Plant-Based Nutrition
2. Physical Activity
3. Stress Management
4. Avoidance of Risky Substances
5. Restorative Sleep
6. Social Connection
Sign onto the HorseGrooms Community to download as a PDF.
With my background as a physician certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine, I have been taking care of equestrians with minor medical complaints and injuries since 2013. I am the sole practitioner for my own HollisMed LLC. Each winter, I migrate to Wellington, Florida, for the show season, where I serve as a mobile doctor for humans, similar to a veterinarian for horses. Throughout the rest of the year, I remain available for virtual consultation with established clients. I also serve as a medical coordinator for horse shows close to my home base in Virginia, including Upperville, Capital Challenge, and the Washington International. My involvement with the hunter/jumper industry began in the late ‘80s as a working student where I learned to appreciate the hard work and dedication required to care for the horses that we all love.