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Untapped Financial Opportunities for Grooms

What if your best source for learning about finance and investing didn’t cost you anything? Emmy Sobieski describes how friends, clients, owners and people around you in your life can be the best resource to help you invest and grow your financial opportunities.

1. Learn Investing from People Around You.

Clients and owners may be experts in their field. 

Identify potential sources

Look for people in your life who have experience with investing, such as family members, friends, colleagues or mentors. It’s best to seek out those who have been successful and have a solid track record of making sound investments.

Ask questions 

Once you have identified potential sources, don’t be afraid to ask them questions about their experiences. Ask them about their investment strategies, what they look for when choosing investments and how they manage risk.

Listen and learn 

When someone shares their investment experience and knowledge with you, listen attentively and take notes if necessary. You can also ask for recommended books, blogs or podcasts to expand your knowledge.

But wait there’s so much more!

Emmy Sobieski continues her “HorseGrooms’ Guide to Finance” on the HorseGrooms Community. Sign up for the HorseGrooms Community today!

This is NOT financial, legal, tax or investment advice.

This article is for educational purposes only. It is not advice. Why isn’t it advice? First, I don’t have the licenses necessary to advise you. Second, I don’t know your specific situation, which I would need to know in order to advise you (if I had the licenses, which I do not).  

Whenever someone gives you advice, ask yourself these two questions above: do they have the credentials, and do they know your specifics? If either answer is no, treat their advice like a starting point of learning, and not as advice.

Let these blogs serve as a starting point in your education, not an end answer. Only you can find your answers to your specific situation.

June 23, 2024

Emmy Sobieski 🇺🇸

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